
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Believe in yourself

\ believe in this saying very strongly because I've had problems with believing in myself. I'm always doubting myself and it's not a great way to live. No matter what anyone says don't stop trying, don't stop believing, and always keep your head held high. I have been bullied and I still am. I am bullied because i'm different, not main stream. I am bullied because people don't like me as a person or my personality. I am bullied because i'm not like everyone else. I like alternative things and music and I am bullied for what I like which is wrong. I am starting to love myself. Even though i'm not there yet i will be someday. Please believe in yourself and never stop trying. An if anyone ever says mean things to you like you're emo, fat, stupid, not beautiful then stop and take a second to look at yourself. I you can't find it then look a little long, stare a little harder and get a better mirror that loves you for you. I find this video inspiring for anyone who is bullied or for any horrible person out there that is a bully and finds happiness in making other people feel like crap.
i love you all even if i don't know you.

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